What would you say to your kid self?

What would you say to your kid self?
What would you say if you could travel back in time and meet your younger self? I’ve heard this before. I can’t think about the question without getting a lump in my throat.

Would I try to say something to myself to change the past and, ultimately, the future?
Would I warn myself that I will suffer loss, grief, and loneliness?
Would I tell myself I would break hearts and have my heart broken?

Would I warn myself about the mistakes I would make? 

I wrote this in 2014. At the time, my mom had sent me this picture of a picture. I kept going back to this photo to look at myself. Lake Washington at the sandbox, and my best guess is I am about 6 or 7 in the photo wearing THE bikini. When I first put on the bikini, they held me to the mirror, and I cried. I tried to convince them that a white t-shirt under the bikini top was the way to go. I thought I had won that fight until I saw this picture. I now realize I’m at the beach wearing the bikini sans t-shirt. 

Would I tell myself not to sit at the window and wait for that car to come around the corner? Maybe.
What I do know is I would tell myself the same thing I tell myself today: “You are going to be OK. Do your thing, don’t wait.”
After all, I have mastered the stink eye & duck face at the same moment.