Back to the Basics
It’s strange how these things can creep up on you. One minute you’re going about your day as usual, and
Second Act: One Project, One Lesson at a Time
Reflects of Life, Love, & Purpose
It’s strange how these things can creep up on you. One minute you’re going about your day as usual, and
Four prom dresses; that’s how my journey to becoming a reseller began.
I have spent my life overcoming my past experiences with years of counseling to identify and stop the destructive behaviors and patterns that I experienced so my children don’t carry on that legacy. Learning about what alcoholism does to the family and how co-dependency is just as destructive. I have made peace with my past and forgiven myself for my mistakes leading up to that. I will be the first to tell you that it took work, and every now and then, I’ll have this moment of clarity or a feeling of validation for what I went through.
Mediocrity is the enemy of greatness. It’s the voice in your head that tells you to play it safe, to blend in, not to rock the boat.
What would you say to your kid self? What would you say to your kid self?What would you say if